Brand Development Consultant: Hiring Guide

published on 11 March 2024

Finding the right brand development consultant is key to enhancing your business's brand identity and market presence. These professionals offer strategic insights, creative solutions, and long-term planning to make your brand stand out. Here's a quick guide on what to consider:

  • Understand Their Role: Brand consultants specialize in market research, brand strategy, and creative direction.
  • Assess Your Brand's Needs: Evaluate your brand's current performance and goals.
  • Look for Relevant Experience and Skills: Choose someone with a proven track record and strategic mindset.
  • Find Qualified Candidates: Explore platforms like CMO Index and Working Not Working, attend industry events, or use specialized recruiting firms.
  • Vet Candidates Carefully: Conduct strategic interviews, review portfolios, and check references.
  • Formalize the Hiring Process: Clarify project scope, milestones, and integrate the consultant strategically into your team.

Whether you aim to increase brand awareness, customer engagement, or market share, the right consultant can make a significant difference. Remember to set clear goals, seek creative and strategic expertise, and ensure a good fit with your company culture for a successful partnership.

Key Responsibilities

Here's what a brand development consultant does:

  • Looks into the market to find out what customers like and what's trending
  • Checks how the brand is doing right now
  • Makes plans on how to reach brand goals
  • Comes up with the main story and messages of the brand
  • Designs the brand's look and feel
  • Guides the creative side of campaigns and content
  • Keeps an eye on how things are going and makes changes when needed

Basically, a brand consultant works on making sure a brand tells a great story, looks consistent, and connects well with people.

How They Differ from Other Consultants

Brand consultants are unique because:

  • They think long-term: They're all about making a brand valuable over many years, not just getting quick wins.
  • Identity and positioning: They figure out the brand's personality and how it should present itself.
  • Strategic thinking: They plan for the future, setting up guidelines and goals, not just immediate actions.
  • They work across different areas: They bring together business strategy, communication, design, and product development to make sure everything aligns.

In short, a brand consultant looks at the big picture to build brands that stand out and connect with people over time. They're key in making brands that adapt and grow.

Assessing Your Brand's Needs

Before you think about hiring a Brand Development Consultant, you need to take a good look at how your brand is doing right now. This means checking out how well people know your brand, what they think of it, how well your brand's messages are getting across, how it looks, and if it's helping you achieve your business goals. It's a good idea to ask for opinions from the people who run the company, those who work there, and your customers to get a full picture.

Survey Key Stakeholders

  • Talk to the bosses, employees, and customers by having interviews or sending out surveys.
  • Ask them to rate how well the brand is doing and point out where it's falling short.
  • Focus on:
    • How well-known the brand is
    • What people think the brand stands for
    • If the brand's message is clear and different from competitors
    • How memorable and consistent the brand's look is
    • If the brand is meeting its goals
  • Listen to what they say about any parts of the brand that are confusing or not working well.
  • Look for common points or trends in what different groups of people say.

Examine Brand Assets

  • Look over your website, logo, messages, style guides, and other brand stuff.
  • Check if they match up with what you want your brand to achieve.
  • See if they connect well with your target audience and properly show off your brand's identity.
  • Find anything that's out-of-date or not lining up right.
  • Figure out what needs to be fixed first.

Set Measurable Goals

  • Decide on clear, trackable goals for working with the brand consultant.
  • Aim for improvements in how well-known your brand is, how much people like it, how well your messages are getting through, and how unified your brand's look is.
  • Plan for how you want to grow in terms of sales, keeping customers, and getting referrals thanks to a better brand.
  • Setting clear goals helps you focus on what needs the most work and makes it easier to see how things are improving.

Identifying the Right Consultant

When you're thinking about bringing a brand development consultant on board, it's super important to pick someone who really gets what your business is aiming for. Here's how to spot the best person for the job:

1. Relevant Experience

  • Check out their past work and the types of companies they've helped, especially if they're similar to yours.
  • Make sure they've got experience boosting brands that are at the same growth stage as your company.
  • Look for feedback from their clients to see if they've made a real difference, like making the brand more well-known or increasing sales.

2. Strategic Mindset

  • See if they can grasp your brand's big dreams and who you want to reach.
  • Make sure they suggest plans based on data that align with what you want to achieve.
  • They should be able to turn your goals into a clear action plan.

3. Creative Acumen

  • Take a look at their design work and any campaigns they've run that feel right for your brand.
  • Find examples where they've led creative projects across different types of media.
  • Check that they can manage the creative side of branding projects well.

4. Cultural Alignment

  • Figure out if you'd get along with them and if they'd work well with your team.
  • Talk about how flexible they are in fitting in with your company's way of doing things.
  • Make sure they're open to working closely with your own people in a respectful way.

Choosing the right consultant means looking for someone who not only has the skills and experience but also fits in with your company culture and understands where you're coming from. Keep these points in mind to find a consultant who can really help your brand shine.

Where To Find Qualified Candidates

Finding the right brand development consultant can be a bit tricky since they need to have a very specific set of skills. But, if you know where to look, you can find professionals who are a great match for what you need.

CMO Index

CMO Index

CMO Index is a place where you can find marketing experts who are ready to work on projects. They check each person's skills beforehand, so you know you're getting someone who knows their stuff when it comes to branding.

  • Focuses on marketing leaders ready for short or long projects
  • More than 750 marketing pros have been checked and approved
  • You can hire someone for just a few hours a week or full-time
  • Each person has around 20 years of experience

Working Not Working

Working Not Working

Working Not Working connects you with freelancers who specialize in branding, design, digital marketing, and more. They make sure each freelancer knows their stuff before letting them join.

  • Big network with over 175,000 members
  • Lots of experienced marketing folks
  • Easy to search for what you need
  • Simple way to talk to and hire people

Industry Associations and Events

Going to marketing events or meet-ups is a good way to meet brand consultants face-to-face. You can really get to know someone and see if they're a good fit for your company. Look for events by groups like the Design Management Institute or the American Marketing Association.

  • Meet experts in person
  • Check if they understand your goals
  • See if they'd fit in with your team

Specialized Recruiting Firms

Hiring a company that finds marketing and branding experts for you can save time. They use their contacts to find people who match what you're looking for. But, it can be pricey.

  • They find people who aren't actively looking for jobs
  • They check if candidates have the skills you need
  • You pay a fee, usually a percentage of the hire's salary

Think about what's most important to you—saving time, saving money, or finding the perfect match—and choose the method that best fits your needs.


Vetting Potential Candidates

Interview Strategically

When you're talking to potential brand development consultants, make sure your questions cover important areas:

  • Strategic approach: Give them made-up situations like rebranding after two companies merge, trying to sell in a new place, or dealing with changes in what customers want. Ask them to explain how they would tackle these challenges, looking for their ability to think ahead, spot opportunities, and come up with a plan.

  • Creative process: Have them describe how they come up with new ideas for telling a brand's story and designing its look. You want to hear about their research, how they understand what customers feel, testing ideas, and refining designs.

  • Communication abilities: Pay attention to how well they talk and listen during your chat. Can they make complex ideas easy to understand? Are they convincing?

  • Cultural fit: Talk about how they like to work and see if it matches how your team works. It's important they're willing to work closely with your people.

Good interviews help you see if they're good at thinking, creating, talking, and working with others.

Review Portfolios Critically

Look closely at their work to see if it's really good and fits what you need:

  • Check if their stories and messages really grab you and seem genuine.
  • See if their logos and designs stand out but still feel like part of the brand.
  • Look for campaigns and content that are fresh but still stick to the brand's main ideas.
  • Make sure their use of pictures, fonts, and colors looks great and fits who you're trying to reach.

Their work should show they can think big but also be creative in a way that makes the brand better and consistent.

Check References Thoroughly

Talking to their past clients can tell you a lot about what it's like to work with them:

  • Ask how well they communicated, were they open and flexible, and could they handle changes well.
  • Check if they delivered good work that did what it was supposed to do, on time and within budget.
  • Find out if their work actually helped the business, like making more people aware of the brand, getting more engagement, or increasing loyalty.

Ask specific questions to get a clear picture of their skills, how they work, and the results they've gotten.

Making the Hire

When you decide to hire a brand development consultant, there are a few important steps to make sure everything goes smoothly. It's like setting the stage so both you and the consultant know what to expect and can work well together.

Clarify Scope and Milestones

  • Sit down with the consultant to agree on what you're aiming to achieve, how you'll measure success, and the main steps to get there.
  • Break the project into smaller parts so you can keep an eye on progress and adjust if needed.
  • Be clear about what you want to see at each step and what decisions need to be made.
  • Plan regular meetings to check in on how things are going. This helps keep everyone on the same page.

Formalize Agreement

  • Write up an agreement that includes all the important details like:
    • How long the project will last
    • How much you'll pay and when
    • What you'll provide to help them do their job
    • Who owns the work that gets done
  • Make sure the agreement spells out what the consultant will do and what you'll do to help.
  • Have a lawyer look over the agreement before you sign it to make sure everything's fair.

Integrate Strategically

  • Introduce the consultant to the people they'll be working with. Explain why they're here and how they can help.
  • Give them the background info and tools they need to do a good job.
  • Make sure they're included in important discussions or meetings.
  • Choose someone from your team to be the main contact for the consultant. This person will help coordinate things like schedules and getting information.
  • Encourage your team and the consultant to work together closely. Good teamwork leads to better results.

Following these steps can help make sure your work with the consultant helps your brand grow in the right direction.


Choosing the right brand consultant is really important if you want your business to grow. A good consultant knows a lot about strategy, has a lot of experience in the industry, and can come up with creative ideas to make your brand better. When you're looking for someone to help with your brand, remember these tips:

Be clear about what you want. Before you start, know exactly what you hope to achieve with your brand. This helps guide everything you do.

Look for experience. Find someone who has helped other businesses like yours succeed. Ask to see examples of their work that show how they've made a difference.

Make sure they're both creative and smart with planning. Check out their previous campaigns to see if you like their style. Also, make sure they're good at making long-term plans.

Ask the right questions. When you talk to potential consultants, see if you get along and share the same values and way of working. It's important that you click.

Work together. Plan how you'll work with the consultant, using both your team's skills and theirs. You shouldn't just hand everything over.

Keep an eye on results. Decide how you'll measure success, like if more people know about your brand, and keep track of how things are going.

Hiring the right brand consultant can really help your business if you make sure your goals, their skills, and how you work together all fit well. This way, you'll work well together and help your brand and business grow.

What should I look for in a brand consultant?

When picking a brand consultant, aim for someone who's really good at figuring out where your brand stands and how it can shine. They should know how to:

  • Keep up with trends and check out the competition
  • Spot unique ways your brand can stand out
  • Have a track record of making brands grow

What is the rate for branding consultant?

Brand consultants usually make about $140,939 a year. If you're paying by the hour, it might be around $57 to $88, depending on their experience.

How do you recruit a consultant?

Here are some steps to find the right consultant:

  • Make sure you really need one
  • Be clear about what you want them to do
  • Be ready to follow their advice
  • Look for someone who fits what you're looking for
  • Always check their references and previous work

What does a branding consultant do?

A branding consultant helps with:

  • Checking out your brand to see what's working and what could be better
  • Coming up with plans to make your brand more popular and successful
  • Solving problems that are holding your brand back
  • Giving advice on how to keep your brand strong and growing

They focus on long-term strategies to make sure your brand does well.

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